Doc Seamn Hockey Resource Centre logo

Resource Centre

About Our Collection

Hockey’s premier resource centre and archive facility, featuring the world’s largest collection of hockey treasures – artifacts, archival material, photos, motion video/film, art + more.



Do you have a hockey treasure or collection? Or would you like support the Hall with a charitable donation? As the official caretaker of hockey’s history, your contribution will help us preserve the game’s rich history for generations to come.



Our expert curatorial staff are on hand to assist with research and editorial services, appraisals, artifact/photo matching and access to our Images on Ice photography service. Learn how we can help with your next project or family inquiry.


Tours & Meeting Space

For the first time ever, we are opening our archives to the general public for behind-the-scenes Private VIP Tours. Combine this experience with hosting an event in the facility’s onsite theatre.
